Multi-language translation services

With over  50 language  options and more than  4,000 certified translators, Presto can translate your document into as many languages as you require.

We have built long-term relationships with our translators. This mean we can deliver your multi-language translation combinations within the same time as it would take to deliver one language combination.

Whether you need your document translated into Polish, or you need it translated into Polish, Russian, French, German and Danish; Presto will provide the same fast and efficient service.

Translations in more than 50 languages



Brazilian Portuguese





















Latin American Spanish

















Do you have special requirements?

Contact us 

Fast and easy communication with Presto

Presto uses our own customized database management system called Milhaus to efficiently track the project management of your order from beginning to end. 
Presto Milhaus
Presto latest technology

Translation technologies

Faster turnaround

We use machine translation engines and translation memories to reduce lead times.

Consistent output

Termbases and context are provided to linguists ensure consistency throughout all your projects.

Easy communication

Our bespoke integrated system ensures that the whole process can be tracked transparently.

Expansion to other markets

  • My expansion to German markets

    With the expansion of my business to Germany, I required language translation services between German and English. For the North American side of my business, I frequently need translations into Spanish and sometimes French.

    Presto’s language combination options, and office locations in Europe make everything easy, efficient, and affordable for me. I feel great knowing that I can request multi-language translation of one document and Presto will easily be able to deliver by my deadlines.

How to get started?


Describe what you need

You can use our form or contact our sales manager directly.


Find the solution

We’ll get back to you with tailored plan for your business.


The result

Our team ensures each of the thousands of words and minutes process every day ends up as a polished deliverable.
Get in touch

Our Clients


A major producer of elevators gave us  a challenging task.

Presto translates 80,000 pages into 12 languages

For the final layout, Presto added an IT specialist and four graphic specialists to the team to do preparation and post-production. We adapted our project management system to smoothly transition files between production preparation, translation and editing, and final graphic layout. Thanks to our experience and careful planning, Presto was able to successfully complete and deliver a huge project on time.
Kryštof Šámal

Ready to get started?

"Let’s talk about your business and how can we make it grow.."
Kryštof Šámal
Sales Manager
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Check out our blog

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Love is a feeling, not just a word: Why Emotional Impact Matters in Localization

Love is a feeling, not just a word. Great localization does more than translate—it creates an emotional connection that resonates with your audience. Think about the last advertisement that truly moved you. Maybe it made you laugh, or maybe it brought a tear to your eye. Chances are, it wasn’t the words alone that did […]

February 14, 2025
Keeping Up with Local Trends: The Key to Staying Relevant GloballyWhat Valentine’s Day Can Teach Us About Cultural Adaptation in Business

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February 14, 2025
What Valentine’s Day Can Teach You About Cultural Adaptation in Business

Valentine’s Day is everywhere today—but have you ever noticed how differently it’s celebrated across the world? In Japan, women give chocolates to men, while in Finland, it’s more about friendship than romance. In some countries, it’s a major commercial event, while in others, it’s barely acknowledged. This isn’t just a fun cultural fact—it’s a crucial […]

February 14, 2025
Client Relationships Are Like a Long-Term Partnership: Here’s How to Keep the Spark Alive

Just like in any relationship, keeping your global customers engaged means showing them you care—even after the “honeymoon phase.” At the beginning of any business relationship, there’s excitement. You’ve just signed a deal, the possibilities are endless, and everyone’s motivated to make things work. But what happens after that initial buzz fades? If you don’t […]

December 5, 2024
Prispôsobiť sa alebo zaniknúť: výzvy a príležitosti mediálnej lokalizácie

Konferencia Languages & The Media 2024 sa tento rok konala v Budapešti a priniesla fascinujúci pohľad na budúcnosť mediálnej lokalizácie. Hlavnými témami boli využitie umelej inteligencie, vývoj pracovných procesov a neustále sa zvyšujúci význam prístupnosti. Spoločne s odborníkmi z celého sveta sme diskutovali tom, ako technológie a inovácie menia naše odvetvie – a čo to znamená pre služby lokalizácie, ako sú tie naše v spoločnosti PRESTO. […]

December 5, 2024
Kto má posledné slovo v titulkovaní? Stroje verzus ľudia

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December 5, 2024
Nové partnerstvo s Dubformer: efektívnejšia lokalizácia obsahu

Predstavte si, že máte niekoľko hodín videí, ktoré potrebujú rýchlo a kvalitne lokalizovať do viacerých jazykov. Čas tlačí, ale potrebujete zachovať vysokú úroveň. Práve v tejto chvíli prichádzame na rad my! Vďaka spojeniu technológie vytvorenej spoločnosťou Dubformer a našich dlhoročných skúseností v oblasti lokalizácie sme schopní ponúknuť nové riešenie, ktoré dokáže znížiť náklady a zároveň zrýchliť proces dabingu​. To znamená, že aj […]

December 5, 2024
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December 5, 2024
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November 26, 2024
Opět jsme zvítězili v tendru Evropského parlamentu

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Get in touch to learn more about our localization services and solutions we offer. 

Be understood. Be local.
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